City of Suwanee

Heuristic Evaluation

I conducted a heuristic evaluation using Nielsen’s 10 usability Heuristics, assessing the website for issues related to visibility, consistency, and error prevention. Each issue was rated on a severity scale from 0 to 4, and detailed recommendations were provided for improvement.

The most critical issue is the clarity of the navigation, which should be prioritized. Other issues are minor and could be addressed as part of iterative improvements.

Severity Ratings

0 = I don't agree that this is a usability problem at all 

1 = Cosmetic problem only: fix if time is available 

2 = Minor usability problem: fixing this should be given low priority 

3 = Major usability problem: important to fix, given high priority 

4 = Usability catastrophe: fix this before product can be released

Heuristic Issue Identified Severity Rating Comments Recommendations
Visibility of System Status The main navigation highlights a top- category (Explore) rather than the specific category selected 3 This issue affects the clarity of the navigation system. Users may believe they are still on the main Explore page, causing confusion about their current location. Implement dynamic highlighting for the specific subcategory being viewed. Instead of keeping the top-level Explore category highlighted, update the menu to reflect the current subcategory.
Match Between Systems & Real World No issues found 0 Language is clear and uses familiar terminology. Continue using clear language that aligns with user expectations.
User Controls and Freedom Missing ‘Back to top’ button on long pages 1 Not critical but would improve user control. Add a ‘Back to Top’ button on longer pages to enhance navigation.
Consistency and Standard No major inconsistencies 0 Design elements follow web standards. Ensure that all elements follow a consistent design pattern.
Error Prevention The after-submission message for forms is too small, making it easy for users to overlook. 2 Increasing the visibility of the after-submission message can prevent users from re-submitting the form or assuming an error occurred. Enlarge the after-submission message, use a contrasting color for emphasis, and include a confirmation icon for visual feedback.
Recognition Rather Than Recall Information hierarchy is good, but the main navigation highlights a specific category (Explore) rather than the specific category selected. 3 This issue affects the clarity of the navigation system. Users may believe they are still on the main Explore page, causing confusion about their current location. Implement dynamic highlighting for the specific subcategory being viewed. Instead of keeping the top-level Explore category highlighted, update the menu to reflect the current subcategory.
Flexibility and Efficiency of Use Search function available, but lacks predictive text 2 Predictive search could enhance usability for frequent users. Enhance the search functionality with predictive text and auto-suggestions. Enhance the search functionality with predictive text and auto-suggestions.
Aesthetic and Minimalist Design Overall clean design, minor visual clutter in certain areas. 1 Some content could be streamlined further. Simplify the layout by reducing the number of links in the main navigation and breaking dense content into smaller, digestible sections with clear headings.
Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors The after-submission message for forms is too small, making it easy for users to overlook. 2 Increasing the visibility of the after-submission message can prevent users from re-submitting the form or assuming an error occurred. Enlarge the after-submission message, use a contrasting color for emphasis, and include a confirmation icon for visual feedback.
Help and Documentation Minimal FAQs and help resources 3 Expanding documentation could aid user self-service. Expand the help documentation to include a comprehensive FAQ section with common user questions.

M.A. Capstone Project | Visual Design